Rest: a poem

Sensing autumn in the air

the sap wonders whether it’s time to pull back.

It hesitates, leaving some leaves green and others brown.

A striped hawk comes looking for an errant mouse,

an inattentive lizard.

Each season was once anticipatory

spring the prelude to glorious summer

winter . . . → Read More: Rest: a poem

Grousable Books Newletter: 15 August

Grousable Books Newletter banner Welcome to BookFunnel readers

First, a special welcome to those who downloaded a copy of “The Dancing Colonel” through Find Your Next Favorite Author on BookFunnel. The short story features the characters from my Tommy Jones Mystery books, and ties in to some . . . → Read More: Grousable Books Newletter: 15 August

Conversation with a feline character

“I don’t understand,” says Hephaestus, snuggling his large orange body onto my belly. “Am I the protagonist?”

“No, honey. You’re not. The protagonist is Rosie McMahon, your . . . → Read More: Conversation with a feline character

Grousable Newsletter 2 August: Mystery and more

Grousable Books Newletter banner Bouchercon Historical Mystery Panel

Big news this fortnight is that I’m on a panel for Bouchercon, one of the biggest mystery writer conferences anywhere.

Bouchercon poster . . . → Read More: Grousable Newsletter 2 August: Mystery and more

A mystery writer writes romance

Having never done it, I was nervous about writing a romance. So before I began, I did some reading about how to write romance fiction, and concluded that there are some . . . → Read More: A mystery writer writes romance

Grousable Newsletter 15 July

Grousable Books Newletter banner Traveling books

I’ve always wanted my books to travel. When I was writing Murder at Old St. Thomas’s, I imagined leaving copies on trains and in bus stations, particularly in England. When I got there with books in hand, I wasn’t sure how . . . → Read More: Grousable Newsletter 15 July

Which point of view?

I’m working on a scene for my beach cozy mystery. It could be a short scene, indicating Sam’s desperation, or one that continues at the POV (point of view) character’s workplace (real estate office for Mary, hardware store for Sam). Which is better?

Mary’s point of view

“I’ve got to see . . . → Read More: Which point of view?

Grousable Newsletter 1 July

Grousable Books Newletter banner Book news

Book fairs are seriously fun. Readers get to meet authors and vice versa. And when the weather is warm and sunny, people come out thinking they might buy a book. The North Park Book Fair in San Diego was just such . . . → Read More: Grousable Newsletter 1 July

Grousable Newsletter 15 June

Grousable Books Newletter banner Book news

Well, I manned my table (yes, a woman can man a table) with my mystery books at the Once Upon a Book Fair in Escondido, but although there were many authors there were few customers. Blame the weather (see below) or . . . → Read More: Grousable Newsletter 15 June

A cool review

Murder at Old St. Thomas's, a "richly developed historical mystery"So delighted with this Critic’s Report of my book from BookLife Prize, I just had to share. So grateful it’s called . . . → Read More: A cool review